Repairing A Heated Windshield

Celina GoodacreAuto Glass

Not too many vehicles have a heated windshields and if you vehicle is equipped with one they can be very expensive to replace. Heated windshields are usually found on high end vehicles such as Audi’s Mercedes, Jaguars, Range Rovers, BMW’s and the like. But what is a heated windshield? It is a regular windshield but with hundreds of tiny heating lines that are right inside of the glass and when activated they will quickly warm he entire windshield almost immediately. This makes quick work of defrosting or defogging a windshield.

To repair a Rock Chip in a Windshield we have to drill the glass with a special tiny bit. Once we have drilled a small hole into the center of a windshield rock chip we then inject a laminate that cures to the broken glass effectively gluing the windshield rock chip together and preventing it from spreading into a large crack. Once a rock chip or crack is bigger than a quarter your windshield is no longer repairable and will need to be replaced.  

The question is can a windshield rock chip be repaired on a heated windshield. The answer is yes but not well. This is because the heating lines that are inside the heated windshield will prevent the resin that is injected from flowing through the rock chip properly. We at Splashes Auto Glass have successfully completed rock chip repairs on heated windshields, but they can be difficult.

Another thing to note is that a rock chip in a heated windshield is much less likely to crack as compared to a non-heated windshield. Windshield rock chips will usually spread due to the glass heating up faster than the air inside the rock chip, causing the chip to quickly spread. A heated windshield is warmed from the inside out and done so evenly therefore a chip in a heated windshield tends not to spread into a crack nearly as quickly as compared to a regular windshield.

Splashes Windshield, Auto Glass and Detailing in Surrey BC. Splashes is a full service auto glass repair shop with ICBC Glass Express Certification. This means that we process your auto glass replacement claim on site and you are not required to do anything. Windshield Rock Chips are repaired anytime without an appointment and are guaranteed for life!