February Community Wash Partner (2021) – R.EC. For Kids

StiganGiving Back

February 2021 Community Wash Partner - R.E.C. for Kids

February is officially here, and with that comes our next Community Wash Partner:


This volunteer program was formed in 2007 and access to various sports equipment to the children in need in our community.  

UPDATE: Our donation total for R.E.C. FOR KIDS SOCIETY was $1454!


“Our Mission is to provide reconditioned sports and recreational equipment to children in need in Surrey, White Rock Langley, Cloverdale, and North Delta. “ – R.E.C. For Kids


About R.E.C. for Kids Society

R.E.C. for Kids Society was formed in 2007 by a group of Rotarians who wanted to see the children in our community thrive, by enabling them to participate in the sport of their choice. The idea was to collect used sports and recreational equipment from those in our local communities, and repair/refurbish the items with the help of volunteers. By giving these children the ability to participate in the sport of their choice, they are given a sense of community and help to guide their choices towards positive ones.

As a non-profit organization, R.E.C. for Kids is also one of BC’s most cost-effective charities. This is mainly due to the generous donations and volunteer efforts from local residents.

We chose to partner with R.E.C. for Kids Society after having the pleasure of meeting them in person. They mentioned to us that while any donation is greatly appreciated, cash donations are still very encouraged to supplement the items that cannot be refurbished, such as helmets for the bicycles. In order to adhere to safety concerns and measures, the helmets need to be purchased.

Community Wash Partner Program

Our Community Wash Partner Program is held throughout the year, and we choose a different partner every month. As a small business, we chose to start this program as a means of showing support to those in our community who can benefit greatly from our donations. Although it has been a difficult year of navigating our business through the pandemic, we were still able to raise over $12,000 last year thanks to our incredible customers – both returning and new.

We have always felt connected to South Surrey and White Rock, and that’s why when we give back, our focus is to work directly with the community around us.